This company very kindly sent me four of their raw cacao bars for me and my family to try out.
Strawberry myth
Coco myth
Coconut 60%
Dark 72%
Each of the bars are vegan, dairyfree and glutenfree.
This is the first time we have tried anything like this as we don't have a dairy intolerance but the products really appealed to me because these bars use coconut sugars to sweeten which is a healthier alternative to cane sugar so I was happier with my children eating it, especially my littlest who is only 18 months old, because I knew it contained no hidden nasties.
This was a great selection to choose from as it had something for everyone and this is only a small selection of their range. They also do buttons as well which is a great idea if you have smaller children.
The children's favourite was the coco mylk bar and I think this was because it was the closest tasting to what they are used to in a normal chocolate bar.
My personal favourite was the strawberry one as this made such a lovely combination and just melted in the mouth.
If you want a bar with a bit more of a dark kick to it then the 72% one is a good one to go for.
My husbands favourite was the coconut one which he picked for himself as soon as he saw the choices and he was not disappointed and the bar did not last long!
I like the fact that these bars contain natural antioxidants. They are also a source of magnesium which contributes to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue which I thought was really interesting.
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